
Welcome to our blog!

The purpose of each post is to portray what Life at Parkland looks like and to give our readers insight into retirement living and the importance of health and wellness for both our staff and residents. We also aim to provide you with valuable resources, stories from our incredible communities, and celebrations of ‘Living Your Best Life.’

Parkland’s Pandemic Response Plan: Keeping our residents safe

The strength of Parkland’s pandemic response relies on the strength of our dedicated and knowledgeable team members. In January 2020, our organization activated its Pandemic Response Team in response to the emerging…

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Parkland Storytellers

Who doesn’t love a bedtime story? This tradition is a large part of many of our fondest memories and Parkland at the Lakes wanted to make sure visitor restrictions due to the…

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Stay Connected with Friends and Family During the COVID-19 Pandemic

How to connect with loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, emotions can range from anxiety to worry and everything in between. At Parkland, we know…

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Seated Exercises for Seniors

10 Minute Seated Stretching Routine During this time of practicing social distancing, Parkland's wellness team is busy looking for creative ways to stay active from home. These seated exercises are among one…

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